
Tidswell, B. K., Veliko-Shapko, A., & Tytell, E. D. (2024). The role of vision and lateral line sensing for schooling in giant danios (Devario aequipinnatus). Journal of Experimental Biology, 227(10), jeb246887.

Scibelli, A. E., Donatelli, C. M., Tidswell, B. K., Payton, M. R., Tytell, E. D., & Trimmer, B. A. (2022). MONOLITh: A soft non-pneumatic foam robot with a functional mesh skin for use in delicate environments. Advanced Robotics, 1–13.


Tidswell, B. K., Tytell, E. D. (2024) The Influence of Group Size on the Startle Responses of Giant Danios in Light and Darkness Presentation at SICB 2024

Tidswell, B. K., Tytell, E. D. (2022) Limited Sensory Information Changes Schooling Structure and Behavior of Giant Danios Presentation at SICB 2023

Tidswell, B. K., Tytell, E. D. (2022) Limited Sensory Information Changes Schooling Structure and Synchronization for Giant Danios Presentation at SICB 2022

Tidswell, B. K., Tytell, E. D. (2021) The role of vision and flow sensing in the schooling behavior of giant danios Presentation at SICB 2021

Tidswell, B. K., Tytell, E. D. (2020) Using physical models to examine sensory coordination during fish schooling Presentation at SICB 2020

Tidswell, B. K., Tytell, E. D. (2019) Using physical models to examine sensory coordination during fish schooling Presentation at Northeast Regional SICB 2019

Donatelli, C. M., Scibelli, A., Tidswell, B. K., Tytell, E. D., & Trimmer, B. A. (2019). More than Skin Deep: Crawling Soft Robots with Functional Skin. AMAM 2019

Scibelli, A., Donatelli, C. M., Tidswell, B. K., Tytell, E. D., & Trimmer, B. A. (2019) SquMA Bot Presented for the RoboSoft Competition 2019